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Beta Patch 1.00.14413

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Beta Patch 1.00.14413 Empty Beta Patch 1.00.14413

Message par JG300_Vylsain Mer 4 Mai 2011 - 20:33

Hi everyone,

It's here.

Since, as we were struggling with the full screen mode, we managed to finalize our Crossfire and SLI support we decided to bunch it together and release a combined beta patch. All the features of the previous patch are considered final, but new features are not.

Please find the patch readme below.

************************************************** **************************************

The latest patch continues to improve on overall performance and multiplayer
functionality, as well as adding new gameplay options such as new Quick missions.

The current patch contains the following changes:

* Added beta Crossfire support.
* Added True full-screen mode. The game was previously playing in a stretched
window; that mode is also still available. Switch between windowed, pseudo
(stretched window) and true full screen modes in the Video Options.
NOTE: If you are running an ATI video card and you notice reduced performance in
True full-screen mode, please switch back to Pseudo to improve framerate;
* Greatly improved performance over large cities, especially with Buildings Detail
settings set below Very High. NOTE: if you do experience stutters over cities
with Building Detail set to Very High, please consider turning it down. Even
setting this to Medium will have almost no noticeable effect on visual quality
of the game;
* Introduced background landscape loading that slowly creates landscape under the
player's camera. You can now quickly switch from England to France with
virtually no slow-downs. Performance gain is most noticeable on CPUs with four+

* Reduced head motion effects, especially in terms of G;
* Increased draw distance for markings and decals on aircraft;
* Fixed minor Bf. 110 damage and animation issues;
* Fixed weird movement of Bf. 110's magnetic compass dial;
* Fixed Bf. 109 gunsight misalignment;
* Fixed a hole under a damaged engine cowling in the Defiant;
* Fixed visual issues with Defiant's tail damage;
* Put a mirror onto the Hurricane;
* Fixed Hurricane's tail damage visuals;
* Updated Hurricane radiator animation;
* Ju. 88 gear now open properly;
* Fixed minor Ju. 88 damage visuals;
* Asked the Ju. 88's pilot to keep his feet on the pedals;
* Made minor changes to cockpits of G. 50 and Ju. 88;
* Fixed a visual issue with the Spitfire's antenna;
* Fixed minor Sunderland damage visuals;
* Made minor modifications to Spitfire cockpit;
* Fixed minor damage visuals in the Ju. 88;
* Fixed minor damage visuals in the Hurricane;
* Fixed minor damage visuals in the Ju. 87;
* Made various modifications to SFX.

* Carburetter backfire effects now require a certain amount of gasoline mix to be
contained in the intake to actually do some damage;
* Aircraft fires now burn crew members;
* Changed magnetic inclination to 10.11 degree west to reflect actual 1940 values;
* Removed ignition control handle from the Bf. 109;
* Defiant's gunner now opens both hatches when bailing out;
* He. 111 top gunner's machine gun won't dip into the fuselage any more;
* Made all fuel pressure gauges a single-tube type;
* Made turret mounts unlock faster;
* Removed the effect that made Bf. 109's motor shake at higher altitudes;
* Added aircraft buffeting to wing icing effects;
* Increased wing lift loss during wing icing;
* Fixed the issue where non-symmetrical damage to landing flap mechanics resulted in
symmetrical air flow over both wings.

* Added Force Feedback support to the game;
* Added six new Il-2-style Quick missions. See them at the bottom of the list -
three each for German and British attacks of Airfields, Bridges and Transport
Columns. Fly in bombers, escort and intercept and scramble fighters, with
missions of up to 128 aircraft!
* Made sure plane selection and other user modifications stick in Quick Mission
Builder when returning to the interface after flying a custom mission;
* Restored throttle-up smoke from non-player planes;
* Fixed some pilot animations;
* Updated some briefings and other in-game texts;
* Improved the overall look of the 2D Map;
* Added a Scale control to the 2D Map (imperial for British, metric for Germans
and Italians);
* Added city and airfield labels to the 2D Map;
* Added larger 64x64 icons to the 2D Map;
* Improved the order in which icons are drawn on the 2D Map when on top of each
* Improved the look of the Battle Area grid;
* Fixed icon size selection options;
* Fixed issues encountered when destroying certain types of railway cars;
* Improved ground crewmembers in online games;
* Made sure Bobbin Cable can be selected in the FMB without issues;
* Fixed an issue encountered when trying to place crew into an object without a
* Fixed an issue with launching night missions with search lights on dedicated
* Fixed an issue with launching missions with certain ships on dedicated servers;
* Fixed an issue with launching missions with armor when sound is disabled.
* Fixed an issue with planes are once again exploding when starting in

* Improved server and client stablity and performance;
* Improved statistics;
* Fixed phantom crewmembers occasionally appearing in place of dropped planes;
* Made sure airborne planes are created with sufficient airspeed in online games
(born speed now tied to the plane's top speed);
* Made sure all players see the same time of day in an online server.

* Made Dungeness Point look more like the real-life location;
* Added the town of Horsham to the map;
* Added Westhampnett airfield to the map.

Download links:



Nombre de messages : 5900
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2006

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Beta Patch 1.00.14413 Empty Re: Beta Patch 1.00.14413

Message par 615sqn_Stirwenn Mer 4 Mai 2011 - 21:26

avec précaution : j'ai testé et effectivement le plein écran est problématique. En dessous de la résolution native de l'écran, l'image est étriquée sur les côtés ! Un passage dans les différents conf n'a rien changé. Sans compter que le launcher plante plus souvent à cause des mipmaps.
Flight Lieutenant
Flight Lieutenant

Nombre de messages : 2315
Age : 57
Localisation : Aodou An Armor - Breizh - Dinan
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2008

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Beta Patch 1.00.14413 Empty Re: Beta Patch 1.00.14413

Message par 615sqn_Stirwenn Ven 6 Mai 2011 - 8:33

Une bonne âme pourrait-elle vérifier la chose suivante : bug ou pas ? dans les missions rapides, je me retrouve avec un nombre variable de balles ! Au minima c'est 900 et au maxima c'est 2400 ! Le tout bien entendu en utilisant la même combinaison de ceinture !
Une fois sur deux se retrouver démuni face à du 109 qui même touché à 50% est à même de dogger c'est pas glop du tout !
Flight Lieutenant
Flight Lieutenant

Nombre de messages : 2315
Age : 57
Localisation : Aodou An Armor - Breizh - Dinan
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2008

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Beta Patch 1.00.14413 Empty Re: Beta Patch 1.00.14413

Message par F/JG300_bArT Ven 6 Mai 2011 - 11:17

moi il me prend trop la tete ce jeux j attend qu il soit jouable et que les modeles de vols soient coherent (genre hurri qui rox du poneyyyyyyyyyyyy a mort ^^).

Nombre de messages : 293
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008

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Beta Patch 1.00.14413 Empty Re: Beta Patch 1.00.14413

Message par 615sqn_William Ven 6 Mai 2011 - 15:06

F/JG300_bArT a écrit:(genre hurri qui rox du poneyyyyyyyyyyyy a mort ^^).

Rien de plus normal lol!
Squadron Leader
Squadron Leader

Nombre de messages : 1885
Age : 35
Localisation : A défilement de tourelle
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2005

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Beta Patch 1.00.14413 Empty Re: Beta Patch 1.00.14413

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