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Version 1.019

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Version 1.019 Empty Version 1.019

Message par JG300_Vylsain Mar 7 Juin 2011 - 17:52

La plus grosse maj depuis la sortie de RoF il y a 2 ans.
Au programme ; mode carrière, Breguet 14, Field mods, nouveau types de missions, nouvelles cartes,etc...

Hello dear Friends and Pilots!

We are proud to present you the newest version of our flight simulator, version 1.019. It's a relief to finally write these words as the release of version 1.019 has been many months in the making involving so much hard work of the entire team. With these words and the downloading of the update, a new phase for Rise of Flight begins. And taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to give a huge thanks to those incredible people who made this version a reality – the ROF Development Team. Guys, I'm extremely proud that I work in such an awesome team and I know the rest of the management team feels the same way. A special thank you to all that you participated in the development of this update project. Many members of the community provided stories and text (too many people to name here, but you know who you are) that we have included in this update and other new partners like SYN_Vander have provided us with improvements to our game map. Simply put, I work with the best crew in the solar system. Smile

This is one of the biggest update of ROF ever. We have included many different elements and features that were set aside from the first release of the project. Some of them are really big, like a new Career mode, some minor, like a rope in the cockpit of S.E.5a. But everything is very important to us. First of all, I remind you about some precautions. Jason has already warned you on the forum about some actions that will help avoid unnecessary complications. I just want to remind you once again to follow Jason’s advice. First, the size of the update is big (650 MB) and for those who have an unstable Internet connection, we recommend that you copy the entire game folder to a safe place. Thus, you get a backup copy of the game version 1.018 so if a problem occurs you will be able to play in offline mode until you or we eliminate the issue. Second, if the update did not properly install you can try again, starting with the previous version which will allow you to try again much faster. If the folder size is too large, then you can remove the skins, it will reduce the size of the folder to backup, and skins can be installed by you later. I ask you to start the backup as soon as you are finished reading my post.

We have completed a re-vamp of graphics support in our project by adding support for more powerful video cards. The maximum graphics settings are now truly maximum settings and any further increase to the quality of the image depends only on the quality of the content, but not the technologies of our engine. All this can be found in the settings of the ROF launcher, but I ask all of those who own a “not very powerful PC” to understand that most of these new graphics features require massive PC power. So please do not expect that you will get to benefit from these new features on less powerful PC. All new settings are mainly for owners of more powerful graphics cards. Tests show that you get roughly the same FPS as in version 1.018 at comparable settings. It was one of our main tasks for this improvement. Jason has posted a comprehensive Graphics Primer on the forum that everyone should read to understand what we have done.

The Breguet 14B is ready to take to the ROF sky! This aircraft has surprised us with its flight characteristics when compared with its not too thoroughbred appearance. He will deliver a lot of pleasure in piloting and combat missions. It’s a great all-around aircraft that should add a new dimension to ROF combat and missions.

For the first time in the flight-sim genre (as far as we know) two new fantastic mission types will be introduced – Arty Spotting and Aerial Recon. The missions allow you to use scouts and spotters for their historical purpose. We used the opportunities presented by the internal logic of ROF to create these new and truly interactive missions that should add a whole new feeling to single player mode. We hope that you enjoy it, and if they prove successful it could be just the beginning of a new journey and maybe a completely new path in the genre of flight simulators. These new mission types of missions have been applied to the new Career Mode. They should also be able to be available for Multiplayer, although we have not had time to test this yet.

Finally, the main star of this update is the new Career Mode, which was the main goal of this update after months of difficult development. It was a concept in our heads from the very beginning and we are finally able to release it only after 2 years of further development. As you can see a project like ROF is not easy and takes time. This is a very unique mode of gameplay. It has no set beginning or set end and total gameplay time of the new Career is easily few thousand hours. It includes elements from books, diaries, biographies and military history. It creates an excellent foundation or plot, which in addition to your imagination can make a sort of memoir with narrative bibliographic depth and accuracy. Before we began making a WWI sim, when we were game players in the community like you, we were reading memoirs of pilots, imagining all of the dogfights vividly as if we were there participating in each fight by ourselves. The aim of our work in the new Career Mode was to create a sort of "memoir generator" for you. Now you can create unique experiences and complex or simple fates for pilots who can to become legends or simply die in the first air battles under your command. On the other hand, all players of the new Career mode will be united by common conditions and will be able to see each other's achievements as the progress in a squadron. Even with identical initial conditions each pilot’s virtual life will be unique and no two Career paths will be identical.

We have accomplished almost everything that we have planned, but we know that you are the most demanding of users, and we are sure that you will find some errors that we missed or you will ask for some additional changes. It’s because no one better than you can tell us what you're interested in. So with this in mind, we have not removed the “Beta” sign from the new Career mode in this release. It will be uncharted territory for our servers, mission generators and the whole system and we hope for your understanding and assistance in catching and correcting any bugs that may appear. We hope that the debugging period by our team will be minimal. The same applies to the localization of some elements of the Career Mode in different languages. The amount of information is huge and we simply cannot cope without your help with translation. There will be special threads in the forum for these two issues - one for General Bugs and one for localization issues for each language – English, German, French and Spanish.

Many thanks to all those who supported us through continued Pre-Orders for planes and field modifications. This support has given us a chance to finish the development of the new Career Mode and allowed us adopt a plan for some bold new aircraft that will be released by the end of 2011. Thank you for your trust and patience! It is a rare commodity in the modern world.

Now go make your backup of the ROF folder and you are ready to begin. You can read complete information about this version in our forum as always.

http://1.019 download start=true;
//print="Good luck";
http://1.020 work start=true;
//Bristol fighter airplane preorder=in progress.

Loft and the ROF Team

Dear Customers of the Rise of Flight Project,

The Development Team is happy to inform you that we have achieved an important milestone in our product's evolution. For over a year we have worked hard to reach this point and are at last ready to introduce you to the result of all that effort. Specifically, we're talking about the new "Career" mode. This new Career will revive some of the gameplay which was so popular in "Red Baron 3D". Of course, we did not simply replicate a feature that has been developed before. Instead we have taken the most interesting aspects from the basic career concept and supplemented it with numerous new abilities and features as allowed by modern technology and the wider "Rise of Flight" platform.

The new Career gives you the ability to follow the combat path of a WWI aviator encompassing all the major features of the combat experience including: real airbases, a weather calendar with seasonal changes, and plane models and liveries that correspond accurately to both friendly and enemy squadrons and time of war.

Your Career opportunities are directly dependent on your achievements. So if you prove yourself to be a strong combatant, you will be given the honor of commanding your squadron. It is at this point that the second major part of the Career will be opened to you: the ability to plan your squadron sorties as assigned by front line commanders. To each sortie you will assign pilots, planes, payloads, and fuel. You will plan the flight route and tactics at each point along this route. Also as Commander, if sufficient time between sorties is available, you may fly lone free-hunting missions where you can demonstrate that you not only have the mettle to command but the skills of an Ace as well.

Additionally, the new Career brings new and unique gameplay features which have been specifically developed for customers flying their Career as a Recon pilot. Several completely new mission types have been designed for reconnaissance and include a special interface that will allow you to interact with friendly ground forces via telegraph and to perform photo-reconnaissance with an on-board camera. Vigilance and attention to detail will serve you well should you choose to become a recon pilot.

A special approach has been developed for multiengine heavy bombing in the new Career. In accordance to historical data, heavy bombing sorties will be performed mostly at dawn, dusk and, if moonlight allows, at night. Incorporated in nighttime mission design are separated takeoffs each signaled by flare and independent performance of the mission plan by each assigned plane. In low light the home aerodrome will be marked by takeoff/landing zone bonfires and a "landing safe" flare.

The Career includes an award system which is based on historical awarding precedent. It also incorporates a built-in GUI leader board which will show the Career achievements of other players both as individuals and as squadron members. Your pilot will have a biography, photo, age, name and surname.

All Career events are GUI visualized with special messages about world news events, inclement weather, losses, replacement of planes and personnel, relocations and other important events of your squadron life.

In addition to the Career, update 1.019 also contains a long list of other important additions and features. Let's talk a bit about each of them:

"Field Modifications"

As you know, we are developing all airplanes, including the brand new Breguet 14.B2, with cockpit equipment corresponding to their most common factory-fresh historical production model. However, history teaches us that Great War aviation is characterised by a wide spectrum of various individual adjustments to planes, cockpit equipment first and foremost.

There were few default configurations. The abilities, preferences and sometimes wealth of each pilot dictated the contents of the cockpits. One pilot may have used trophy equipment (including captured enemy instruments purchased from another pilot), while another may have installed equipment originally manufactured for a different plane model. From version 1.019 onward, each and every plane has its own set of cockpit Field Modifications available for purchase. The choice is yours to individually enable or disable these gauges and sights before each sortie.

As part of Field Modifications development, we have also created two different approaches to collimator sight systems (both reflector and refractor types), which form a unique added degree of realism in today's market of flight simulators. We have also improved the physics of German liquid inclinometers, which now indicate lateral acceleration. In other words: this type of gauge is very similar to the ball or bubble sideslip indicator used by the Entente.

To give you the opportunity to experience all the aspects of these new game features first-hand, we are happy to provide you with the Field Modifications for both the Albatros D.Va and the SPAD 13.C1 free of charge. Enjoy!

"Objects rendering range"

This new update introduces our new approach to the object rendering range limit. In previous versions, this range depended on resolution, field of view (also known as zoom), pixel-size of the object rendered on-screen and several other parameters. All these provided a maximum amount of optimisation, but at the same time caused several issues with the final image which were often criticised by our customers. As such, we have decided to switch to a different rendering distance algorithm for dynamic objects (including planes, balloons, vehicles, explosions) which takes note of only two parameters: the object visibility range setting and object size. At the same time, when the object visibility range setting is maximised, the actual rendering range of planes has increased from the original 2500-6000m (depending on zoom) to a much wider 8500m (independent of zoom). Moreover, together with this new feature the issue with balloons disappearing has been eliminated.

Buildings rendering range was also increased 1.5 times (when the object visibility range setting is maximised). Plus, we have added fade-out for buildings disappearing at any range.
Finally, we have added two new additional forest visibility range options. When this setting is maxed out, you will see trees twice as far as before, which greatly improves the landscape image quality and overall feeling of realism.

"Super Sampling"

One of the most persistent requests from our community was the addition of a built-in solution to counter the “mid-range terrain shimmering” issue. In light of rapidly evolving graphics card hardware capabilities, we have had the opportunity to add a “Super Sampling” option. As opposed to our default Anti-Aliasing which is geared towards performance, the smoothing Super Sampling offers affects not only individual objects, but the whole image, including the landscape. Be advised: this is a very demanding technology and we don't recommend using it with a graphics card inferior to an Nvidia GeForce GTX 580. However, if you are the happy owner of an SLI/Crossfire system, a set of previous generation graphics cards should offer enough compatibility and performance to enable Super Sampling. Furthermore, we strongly recommend against an Anti-Aliasing setting superior to 4x while using Super Sampling, as your performance might take a huge hit without any noticeable visual improvement.

"SLI/Crossfire support"

Another long-standing feature request is SLI/Crossfire technology support. Generally speaking, graphical applications which take place in a large simulated environment are not well-suited for Multi-GPU optimisation. A flight simulator like Rise of Flight needs to process a huge amount of data for image rendering, which includes a great deal of CPU usage required to prepare a significant portion of this data. In spite of this and thanks to multithreading, we were able to locate a number of graphical processes that could be optimised significantly on SLI/Crossfire systems. First of all, Super Sampling, especially considering that an SLI/Crossfire system is pretty much a requirement for this type of technology. Second, 3D micro-details of close-range terrain and close view of clouds also benefit from multiple graphics cards. Finally and overall, Multi-GPU support will provide a performance boost in maxed out settings while flying at low altitude.


Another graphical feature which we have implemented is Fog in the lowlands, which appears before sunset and scatters after sunrise. In “Career” mode, foggy days have been added to the weather calendar. You can also specify this type of weather in your custom missions in the Mission Editor. “Quick Mission” mode also generates misty missions in night and dusk/dawn conditions.


Autumn comes to Rise of Flight. As of now, you can freely use this season in custom and quick missions, and it has already been fully implemented in the new “Career” mode. This is the premier example of our significant collaboration with the community, as Autumn was entirely developed by a 3rd party.

"Light sources in muzzle flashes"

This minor addition is nonetheless a major improvement to the feeling of night time combat sorties. It allows you to experience even more tangibly the romantic entanglement of the air war at the dawn of aviation.

"Quantity of sound sources"

Following popular request, we have added the possibility to increase the number of sound sources. 128-channel sound is now available in addition to the existing 32, 48 and 64 channels. This significantly enhances the richness of the sound scene during air combat. Be advised that it also requires a vast amount of memory and may hamper performance. In conclusion, use of this option is only recommended on 64-bit systems with a sizeable amount of RAM and a powerful CPU.

"Breguet 14.B2"

Here she is: the long-awaited late-war mid-weight all-French recon-bomber, the Breguet 14.B2, now flyable for your enjoyment. Frankly, this bird has really amazed us. While it suffered from significant drag from its rather huge wing surface, it also produced a remarkably high top speed of more than 180km/h. This is mostly due to its exceedingly powerful propulsion system. Together with its automatic flaps, this provides the plane with an incredibly strong takeoff and landing performance. At low speed, the Breguet 14.B2 is able to accelerate dizzyingly fast and retains uncanny maneuverability for such a massive machine. To top it all of, it also has superlative climb characteristics.
An interesting note regarding the clever flaps system: these are automatically retracting as speed increases due to the force of the airflow overcoming the rubber extension tensioners. All this in combination with a richly equipped cockpit, strong defensive armament and a heavy bomb load (up to 320 kg) makes this a formidable aerial weapon, able to perform fast strikes against well-defended targets and subsequently escape from pursuers in a hurry.
Last but not least, this plane can perform a full spectrum of reconnaissance operations including visual recon missions, photographic recon and artillery correction, all of which are already present in the new “Career” mode for squadrons which operate the Breguet.

"Plane 3D model corrections"

For a long time, our community has provided us with a wealth of information with regard to clarifying certain aspects of plane 3D models presented in Rise of Flight. We took the opportunity to analyse all these proposed changes and have carried out a huge amount of work to make them a reality.
These corrections include minor visual details, as well as major issues such as redesigning most of the German planes' suspensions, engine cowling for the Albatros D.II and Fokker D.VIII, glass-bulbs gauges such as oil pulsators and fuel meter tubes, and many others things. Note that some of these additions have required substantial updates to the technology present in the Rise of Flight engine. The full list of changes for this part of the update can be found below.

"New launcher"

Keeping in tune with the ever-evolving nature of our project and to accomodate the numerous new settings for features added during the past year, we have released a brand new game launcher (Settings.exe). The overall tabs structure has remained as it was before and all elements have now been properly realigned. Also of note is the new main News tab, which connects to a specific page on the Rise of Flight website and keeps you up-to-date on important new developments. If you wish to play offline, no internet connection is needed to use the launcher.

"Unlimited Demo"

Version 1.019 changes how we view the ROF Demo process. We have decided to change how new users (and old Demo users) enter the Rise of Flight universe and we have adopted a “Free 2 Play” approach. Now, every customer who has installed and registered his demo-version of ROF is granted access to all features and game modes on an UNLIMITED basis for two aircraft and all gunner positions. Demo-users can fly the Albatros D.Va and SPAD 13.C1 in all single player and multiplayer modes and we have also included each plane’s Field Modifications. This gives new users a real chance to experience all aspects of Rise of Flight for free.

In addition, we are providing the ability to purchase new content for your Unlimited Demo without the necessity to pay for a prior upgrade. You can add a single plane at a time or create a discounted bundle. Field Mods can also be added and bigger upgrade packages will still be available if you choose that route. In the future we will also allow for the purchase of new high-quality scripted Campaigns. Once you purchase any add-on content you are now not considered just a Demo account user, but a fully Licensed account user.

Finally, we have greatly simplified the Demo registration process. Now all that is required is to register the Demo in the game itself and activate a User Account with a much simpler key-code. We have also improved the process for activating a Retail or Digital Retail copy as well by clicking on the Demo award icon. The process for purchasing Aircraft and Field Mods for your Demo or Retail copy on the ROF website remains unchanged. It’s just the Demo activation process we have changed.

This fundamental change has lowered the entry bar for many thousands of simmers who have wanted to try ROF, but have not yet done so or their previous Demo license expired. Please help us spread the word to all corners of the flight-sim community. ROF is Free 2 Play with a new Unlimited Demo!

So with all of the features listed above and the huge quantity of other features and changes listed below, version 1.019 is now available for you to update and play. The entire Rise of Flight Team from the management to the staff to the beta testers, sincerely hope that all these changes and additions will be enjoyed by you and your love for our product and your hobby will continue to grow. This update is a good example to demonstrate the sheer scale of what we have been laboring to build for you. We hope you will enjoy it.

Features list version 1.019

1. New Career game mode has been added
2. Autumn season has been added to Quick Mission and Career modes. It is also available for you to use in your own custom missions.
3. Western Front map now has 259 new towns/villages and 159 troop encampments placed with corresponding ground textures.
4. Field Mods added to planes cockpits.
5. New Settings Tool added, with additional News Feature
6. Breguet 14.B2 is now available as a player controlled aircraft
7. Time acceleration now supports 16x speed. (Please be aware that you will need a powerful PC to achieve this).
8. Support for 64 button Joysticks.
9. Multi-GPU support option (SLI/Crossfire) has been added. Only use this if you have a SLI/Crossfire setup.
10. Community historical skins pack vol.7 was approvied, it includes 82 historical paint schemes, many of them (same as many other from other volumes) are used in new Career.
11. Community fictional skins pack vol.7 was approved, it includes 335 fictional paint schemes

12. Super Sampling option added to graphics settings (Please be advised that this has a massive impact on FPS. Therefore we only recommend this option is selected for use on high end SLI/CF systems or the very latest and powerful video cards.
13. Draw distance option has been added. This relates to Dynamic Objects, Buildings and Explosions (The 50 setting approximates to the normal 1.018 Drawing Distance; At MAX setting planes may be visible at 8500m (instead of 6000/2500m at max/min FOV before) at any FOV, vehicles at 5000m (instead of 3500/1000m) at any FOV, Big Building Blocks at 9500m on narrowest FOV (compared to 6000m in 1.018)
14. Dynamic Objects (e.g. planes, vehicles, balloons and explosions) draw distance no longer depends on your zoom setting.
15. Buildings will now fade into veiw.
16. Forest draw distance now has 2 additional options
17. Foggy weather has been added (mornings and evenings in Quick Mission and some days in Career. In addition you now have ability to set foggy conditions in the Mission Editor)
18. Muzzle flash as a light source has been added.
19. Sky Dome dither has been added, now there are smooth colour transitions in the Sky Dome.

20. All the planes 3D models have been updated. For a full change log, see below.
21. New fuel leak effect (a bit green and heavy) and new coolant leak effect (white and light) added.
22. All the planes engine exhaust effects have been tweaked. Now it is much more noticeable. A wrong mixture setting will result in light-gray exhaust and engine damage will result in a dark-gray exhaust.
23. DFW C.V Artillery Spotting mission has been added
24. Low ambient temperatures now cause difficulties with engine start. So be quick about it when starting your engine in winter, especially when "warmed up engine" option is not ticked.
25. DFW C.V has new RADIO and PHOTO payloads which are visible in the rear cockpit and are needed to perform certain missions in the new Career Mode.
26. SPAD 13.C1 now also has a PHOTO payload and is be able to fly photo recon missions in the new Career Mode.
27. S.E.5a, Sopwith Camel, Sopwith Dolphin will only carry a bomb rack when bombs have been selected.
28. German liquid bank indicators now feature correct physics and movement. Rather than indicating bank they are employed more as a slip indicator, just like the real thing.
29. Plane Damage no longer affects the ability to drop bombs.

30. Translator Next Mission was added, it works in Multiplayer and it shifts missions rotation order to the mission which was pointed at in the latest triggered TRA_NextMission
31. Time of Day trigger was added, it provides several types of events depending on time of day after it was first time triggered. It also provides SUNSET event when triggered if the time is between Sunset and Sunrise, and vice versa for SUNRISE event (night/day may be determined at each moment of mission). Default daytime config is located in the data\templates folder.
32. Simulation Mute function was added to TRA_Media, it works in MP also. You can set mute time and required relative volume there.
33. Play Sound function was added to TRA_Media. As opposed to TRA_AnimatioOperator, it can play .mp3 files in multiplayer also (be sure that the related .mp3 is correctly stored in the .list file).
34. Trucks, tanks, ships, artillery, locomotives, firing positions, balloons and planes may now fire a signal flare of specified colour using Mission Script command CMD_Flare.
35. "Spawn at me" parameter for TRG_Spawner (which enables a proximity trigger with spawned objects, and also enables you to spawn one object in different places).
36. TRG_Delete deletes objects without destroying them. It completely removes (as opposed to just deactivating) objects like planes, baloons, ships, vehicles, firing positions and trains (but not buildings!).
37. Airfields now restore landed planes if they correspond to the current airfield plane set and country as long as the "Return friendly planes" option is enabled for the airfield in question using the Mission Editor.
38. Mission format now has a fuel setting for planes. We will add fuel payload controls to Career and Quick Mission modes later. Same for fuel load lock in server options, which will also be added at a later date.
39. Missions now supports up to 15 secondary objectives for each coalition.
40. OnFlashDialogAction events number was increased to 16.
41. External flash dialogs may now be operated by players in multiplayer (events activating from any player input), in the next version they will be able to use some specific parameters (playerName, playerPlaneName, playerPlaneModel, playerCountry, playerCoalition, playerAlive, playerPayloadName, playerPayoadID, playerFuel, playerSpeed, playerAltitude, playerSpeed, playerXPosition, playerYPosition, playerZPositon, playerOnLand)
42. Images may now be displayed in multiplayer

43. Head motion due to g-forces was added, there is now a slight view displacement while maneuvering (especially noticeable when centering on the iron sights)
44. Plane name is now displayed in the airfield plane selection dialog
45. Sounds sources option for 128 channels was added
46. Moon size was reduced
47. Objects counter was added to the Mission Editor
48. Balloon strength was increased, you now need to fire long bursts from less than 300m to fire them up
49. Howitzers are now able to fire over long distances of more than 5km

Change list of version 1.019

1. Explosions visible through the clouds were fixed
2. Sun glare under overcast sky issue was fixed
3. Crew Position (Turret) Lock status is now displayed correctly after respawn
4. Fixed sound disappearing on respawn issue
5. Fighters now engage baloons correctly (approx. 2 approaches needed for 2MG fighters)
6. AI DFW and Breguet now drop bombs correctly
7. AI gunners are no longer hampering SPS performance when in idle position
8. Fixed padlock issue which caused a black screen
9. Vehicles and trains are no longer able to safely cross demolished bridges
10. Trains are no longer losing their carriages on spawn

Albatros D.II / D.II late model changes:
1. Cover over the left MG empty belt closure was added
2. Longitudinal bridges on radiator of late D.II were added
3. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
4. Wheel axis aerodynamic cowling was removed
5. Engine cowling cutout near the right side of the left MG breech was enlarged
6. Water pipe trace from pump to radiator was corrected
7. Cutout in cowling near rear exhaust pipe was removed
8. Early D.II expansion tank now has thin tube details on it
9. Manometer is no longer seen through other gauges
10. Magneto animation was fixed

Albatros D.III model changes:
1. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
2. Wheel axis aerodynamic cowling suspension-related animation was fixed, now has correctly dissected shape
3. Glowing wires were fixed
4. Windshield was corrected
5. Rear exhaust pipe material glitch was fixed
6. Magneto animation was fixed
7. Manometer is no longer seen through other gauges

Albatros D.Va model changes:
1. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
2. Wheel axis aerodynamic cowling suspension-related animation was fixed, now has correct dissected shape
3. Glowing wires were fixed
4. Left MG empty belt closure trace to engine cowling cutout was corrected
5. Windshield was corrected
6. Ailerons animation stuck at half stick movement was fixed

Fokker E.III model changes:
1. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
2. Cutout in engine cowling for fuel gauge placement was enlarged

Fokker Dr.I model changes:
1. Suspension animation was redesigned
2. Wheels now have same rotation angle on all LODs
3. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected

Fokker D.VII model changes:
1. Suspension animation was redesigned
2. Windshield was restored for external view
3. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected

Fokker D.VIIF model changes:
1. Suspension animation was redesigned
2. Windshield was restored for external view
3. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected

Fokker D.VIII model changes:
1. Wing notch leather padding was added
2. Square cutout on the right side of engine cowling was removed (for default skin)
3. Engine cowling now is one-piece detail, sutures were removed (for default skin)
4. Suspension animation was redesigned
5. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
6. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected

Pfalz D.IIIa model changes:
1. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
2. Magneto rotation lever no longer intersects with other details
3. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected

Pfalz D.XII model changes:
1. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
2. Wheel axis is now correclty pieceless and has an opening cover
3. Magneto rotation lever no longer intersects with other details
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected

DFW C.V model changes:
1. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
2. Wheel axis aerodynamic cowling was removed
3. Magneto rotation lever no longer intersects with other details
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected
5. Bomb release lever animation was corrected

Gotha G.V model changes:
1. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
2. Cockpit illumination lamp was added
3. Inclinometer no longer glows at night
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges and cockpit windows were corrected
5. Bomb release lever block animation was corrected, now it correctly matches bomb load and bomb release order

Nieuport 11.C1 model changes:
1. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
2. Fuel gauge tube glass and fuel liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
3. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges and cockpit windows were corrected

Nieuport 17.C1 model changes:
1. Suspension animation was redesigned
2. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
3. Fuel gauge tube glass and fuel liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
4. Stripes on fuel gauge tube when engine is running were fixed
5. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges and cockpit windows were corrected

Nieuport 28.C1 model changes:
1. Glowing wires were fixed
2. Windshield can now be seen from opposite side in cockpit view
3. Engine ignition selector now correctly switches to "0" position when engine is turned off
4. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
5. Fuel gauge tube glass and fuel liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
6. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges and cockpit windows were corrected

SPAD 13.C1 model changes:
1. Foresight sun reflection was fixed

Breguet 14.B2 model changes:
1. Suspension animation and mesh were redesigned
2. Exhaust pipe now has correct sun reflection

Airco D.H.2 model changes:
1. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)

Sopwith Pup model changes:
1. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
2. Fuel gauge tube glass and fuel liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
3. Fuel gauge tube now shows correct fuel ammount in the main tank
4. Stripes on sideslip indicator when engine is running were fixed
5. Longitudinal inclinometer no longer glows at night

Sopwith Triplane model changes:
1. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
2. Fuel gauge tube glass and fuel liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
3. Throttle lever no longer intersects with frame wire
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected
5. Glass covers for the control cable inspection windows no longer glow at night

Sopwith Camel model changes:
1. Oil pulsator glass and oil liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
2. Fuel gauge tube glass and fuel liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
3. Fuel gauge tube now shows correct fuel ammount in the main tank
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected
5. Bomb release lever animation was fixed
6. Tail skid azimuthal rotation was fixed

Sopwith Dolphin model changes:
1. Fuel gauge tube glass and fuel liquid were corrected (night time issues were fixed, plus it looks more natural now)
2. Fuel gauge tube now shows correct fuel ammount in the main tank
3. Bomb release lever animation was fixed
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected
5. Tail skid azimuthal rotation was fixed

S.E.5a model changes:
1. Suspension animation was redesigned
2. Inverted indication of sideslip was fixed
3. Bomb release lever animation was fixed
4. Glass covers on the cockpit gauges were corrected
5. Engine cowling right-side window was corrected in cockpit view
6. Radiator animation was fixed for external mid-range view
7. Lewis gun trigger wire was added in cocpit view
8. Glass covers for the control cable inspection windows were added

Handley Page 0/400 model changes:
1. Cockpit illumination lamp bodies were added
2. Belly triangle window is no longer visible through pilot cockpit windshield from nose gunner position

Important notes

1. Mission format was changed in version 1.019. You will need to delete the .msnbin files of your custom missions, open the remaining .Mission files in the Mission Editor and save them again.
2. Due to Mission format changes, Flight Records from previous versions will no longer be able to play in 1.019.
3. All the new added graphical features are very demanding on your system performance. If you don't have a very powerful PC, we recommend against enabling them.
4. For accurate performance comparison between 1.018 and 1.019, be sure to use the exact same settings. All new features should be switched off in 1.019. Objects visibility should be set at "50", forest visibility should not be greater than "Far" and sounds sources should not be greater than "64".

Links for downloading the Skins Packs

Finally, we have opened our own torrent tracker for the Rise of Flight version 1.019 installer. You can now download this installer using torrent. We and the whole Rise of Flight community will be most grateful to you if you become a seeder for this torrent.

ROF_FORWEB_1019.exe.torrent [18.52 KiB]
Downloaded 120 times

Nombre de messages : 5900
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2006

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Version 1.019 Empty Re: Version 1.019

Message par GR_2/33_Diabolo Mar 7 Juin 2011 - 18:04

je vais mettre ça à jour pour aller voir :)


Nombre de messages : 6576
Age : 54
Localisation : Hte Savoie / Annecy
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2007

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Version 1.019 Empty Re: Version 1.019

Message par F/JG300_Ice Mar 7 Juin 2011 - 18:36

Idem Very Happy

Nombre de messages : 3078
Age : 61
Localisation : In tartiflette we trust !
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2006

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Version 1.019 Empty Re: Version 1.019

Message par 438_Martin_591 Jeu 9 Juin 2011 - 13:37

Et mise à jours intéressante, la démo n'est plus limité à 2 semaine, elle est illimité.
Voir la section "Unlimited Demo"

Je l'ai traduite en français là:

Nombre de messages : 536
Age : 36
Localisation : Acadie, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2007

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Version 1.019 Empty Re: Version 1.019

Message par 615sqn_Stirwenn Jeu 9 Juin 2011 - 13:47

bah vi mais bon pour les campagnes, faut avoir acheté les navions :(....
Flight Lieutenant
Flight Lieutenant

Nombre de messages : 2315
Age : 57
Localisation : Aodou An Armor - Breizh - Dinan
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2008

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Version 1.019 Empty Re: Version 1.019

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