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Cliffs of Dover... des Mods au secours du jeu!!!

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Cliffs of Dover... des Mods au secours du jeu!!! Empty Cliffs of Dover... des Mods au secours du jeu!!!

Message par GR_2/33_Marc Dim 10 Avr 2011 - 15:27

qui peut en dire plus je ne suis pas anglophone:
merci d'avance.

Vous avez bien lu.. des mods déjà... pour la bonne cause et permettre le bon fonctionnement du jeu..
En agissant sur certaine textures... et aussi sur le SSAO qui pénaliserait le frame rate..
Kegetys une signature connue... est à l'origine des ces mods .

Nombre de messages : 926
Age : 58
Localisation : Haute Normandie
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2008

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Cliffs of Dover... des Mods au secours du jeu!!! Empty Re: Cliffs of Dover... des Mods au secours du jeu!!!

Message par GR_2/33_Marc Dim 10 Avr 2011 - 15:34

et j'ai trouvé cela :

Kegetys Online content
Junior Member

Registered: 06/26/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Finland
I made a few mods that hopefully improve the game performance a bit. To use them, you'll need to install my sfsMod first, which I also just updated to work with IL2COD v1.00.13954. Get it from: (Read the readme!)

The mods themselves are:

- A low resolution textures mod. This mod will reduce the sizes of some of the DDS files in the game which have some quite crazy sizes*. It doesn't have a huge effect, but it can help a bit for the stuttering if running on a video card without much video memory. Download from: (With sfsMod installed, use -mod=lowtex to use it. Use 7zip to extact.)

- noSSAO mod. This mod will disable the SSAO effect from the game. This effect seems to have a big impact on framerate, with minimal(if any) effect on visual appearance. Especially when playing in higher resolutions disabling it can almost double the framerate, though it doesn't help for the stuttering. Download from: (With sfsMod installed, use -mod=nossao to use it)

- No mipmaps mod. This mod will disable the use of mipmaps from all materials used by the game. This seems to help alot to the constant stuttering the game has. An unfortunate side effect is that the textures will get an extremely aliased / "shimmering" appearance. But at least for me it makes the game perfectly playable everywhere... This makes me believe there is some very serious bug with the management of textures in the engine, it is constantly shuffling high and low detail mipmaps to the video memory which is causing the stuttering. And when the mipmaps are disabled there is nothing to shuffle. Download from: (With sfsMod installed, use -mod=nomipmaps to use it)

* By default there is, for example, two 4096x4096 textures for the pilot textures, uncompressed ~20MB normal map texture for the buckingham palace, uncompressed ~20MB normal map texture for some small ship, etc... The engine should be smart enough not to load these at full resolution unless they're needed, but reducing the sizes can apparently help a bit anyway. The mod also reduces some other textures, if you want you can delete some of them manually to use the full resolution ones instead (ie. from lowtex\$bob\3do\Plane).

A "quick start" guide for the nossao mod:
- Download the sfsMod v1.1 and extract the kegetys.dll into your IL2COD dir
- Edit the Launcher.exe.config file and add kegetys.dll there similar to steam_api.dll
- Download the nossao mod and extract it to your IL2COD dir too
- Create a shortcut to launcher.exe and add -mod=nossao parameter to it

You can also add the parameters (like -mod=nossao) from Steam by right clicking on the game, select properties and "set launch options" from general tab.


Nombre de messages : 926
Age : 58
Localisation : Haute Normandie
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2008

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