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ventilo de processeur

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ventilo de processeur Empty ventilo de processeur

Message par psyduck Ven 17 Fév 2006 - 0:00

and apparently requires “starter cartridges” to get it spinning in the first place, though I can’t find confirmation of these specs on the product page.

The fan which used these cartridges was seen in the movie “The Flight of the Phoenix”, and the Coffman cartridge system is documented in a page here: . That fan (Rolls-Royce engine mated to a large propeller) was used on the British Spitfire fighter flown in WWII.

The Zalman cooler, on the other hand, is larger than many other CPU coolers, out-performing them due to the better heat-exchanging properties of their design. It’s not big enough to need a Coffman starter, and draws a max of six watts at five volts.


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Date d'inscription : 31/12/2005

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ventilo de processeur Empty Re: ventilo de processeur

Message par 615sqn_Fabien Ven 17 Fév 2006 - 11:01

A ce stade là mieux vaut passer au watercooling! voire au frigo à effet Peltier Laughing
Flying Officer
Flying Officer

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ventilo de processeur Empty Re: ventilo de processeur

Message par F/JG300_Ded Ven 17 Fév 2006 - 14:14

Tu mets des roulettes sous ton UC et ça avance tout seul Cool

Nombre de messages : 328
Localisation : 94 Val-de-Marne
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2005

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ventilo de processeur Empty Re: ventilo de processeur

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